Solo Instrumental (Non-Percussion)
- This is a solo music instrument playing event.
- Participant can present any style of instrument playing with any non rhythmic tonal, solid, string or wind musical instrument.
- Time for stage/Instruments setting is maximum 2 minutes.
- Maximum Duration of performance is 5 minutes. Minimum duration should be 3 minutes.
- Only 2 Accompanists are allowed for this performance.
- Judgement will be based on qualities like Rhythm, Instrument playing, composition and presentation.
- The decision of the judge will be final. On result declaration, everyone are requested to show their sportsmanship.
- One Institute can send only one entry.
- Organizers have all the rights to change the rules & regulations at any point of time depending upon the situation without any prior notice.
- All participants hereby confirm that they will be abide by the rules laid down by the organizers time to time.