Merit Base Scholarship Application Form

Please provide complete and correct information. All fields are mandatory. Please do not use short forms/ abbreviations.

Personal Information

Enroll. No.* Name (as per 12th certificate)*
Date of Birth* Email ID*
Mobile No.* Semester*

Permanent Address* Correspondence Address
City/Town* City/Town
Pin Code* Pin Code

ACPC Merit No Merit Marks
Over All Percentile* Over All Percentage*

Course Information

Upload Your Photo (accept file formats jpg, png, jpeg)
Schools* Course*

Family Information

Father’s Name* Occupation*
If in Service/ Business, Location (City/Taluka)* Age*
Since how many years* Govt. Job/Private
Annual Income*

Mother’s Name* Occupation*
If in Service/ Business, Location (City/Taluka)* Age*
Since how many years Govt. Job/Private
Annual Income*

If Farmer, details of land holding
Area Village
Crops taken No. of earning members in the family

Details of Siblings

Name Studying in Class Name of School/ College Annual expense Percentage obtained
in last year

Details of Past Education Expense

How did you support the school education of your ward for the past 2 years?
School Fees (Rs./Annum)* Tuition /Coaching Fee (Rs./Annum)*
Amount of Aid/ Grant Requested (Rs./Annum)* Hostel Fee (Rs./Annum)*
Total (Rs./Annum)*

Importance of PPSU merit base scholarship for You

  • Give the main reason why an P P Savani University’s education is relevant to your future career development.
  • How P P Savani University’s merit base scholarship will help you to your future career development.

Hereby we undertake that
  • The information given is true and best of our knowledge if found false, we understand that the scholarship granted will be cancelled and forfeited by returning all scholarship amount with 10% interest rate within 07-day time period.
  • We have read the scholarship guidelines, terms& conditions carefully and agree to follow them.
  • We will abide by the rules and regulations formed by the scholarship committee and University.
  • I do not take any scholarship from other organization and if found false, I assured that I will refund all scholarship to university with 10% interest rate within 07-day time period.
  • The Scholarship Committee will have final authority to grant the scholarship and not liable to give any justification.

Check here to indicate that you have read and agree to the above instructions of P P Savani University.