In the modern era where the world is moving fast in multiple dimensions, it is tough for human beings to cop-up with the race and speed of it. Then exist the medicinal science namely homoeopathy that equally grows steadily and speedily. A holistic science which treats individual as a whole from inside out and produce cure, not just relief of suppression. Miraculous cures are observed by its application from simple diseases like cough and cold to a pandemic like COVID-19 and even in the toughest pathologically morbid ailments.
The holistic science based on fundamental principles of minimum medicines, minimum dose, easy palatability, and low cost of treatment without any side-effect in the body. The homoeopathic science has gained immense popularity world over- Dr. Nitin Gandhi (Principal and Medical Superintendent P P Savani Homoeopathic Hospital)
"An allopath comes and treats cholera patients and gives them his medicines.
The Homeopath comes and gives his medicines and cures perhaps more than the allopath does because the Homoeopath does not disturb the patients but allows the nature to deal with them."
Swami Vivekananda
Homoeopathic Hospital
+91 9512035651 | | |
Dr. Nitinkumar Navnitlal (MD Homoeo.)
Principal and Hospital Superintendent
+91 9925230900 | | |